Construction Site ID Cards

It has never been more important to have security at a construction site. Whether large or small, construction sites are places where there are numerous subcontractors – many which do not know each other. Daily, supplies and equipment are brought in and out by subcontractors and suppliers that are necessary for the job. Keeping track of who is onsite and what equipment and supplies are available is complex, but is more critical then ever before.

To track the coming and going of both people and things, many construction sites use a photo-ID system to provide necessary tracking information and to provide a secure location, so that unauthorized people are not granted entrance. This alone can reduce the equipment and supply loss that occurs due to theft. By requiring photo-IDs for each subcontractor allowed on the job, other are aware of the jobs they are authorized to perform, and potentially the areas where they are permitted. To obtain a photo ID, a subcontractor can be required to document pertinent information and qualifications for tracking and reporting purposes.

When an ID-card is issued, the subcontractor can be required to display the ID by use of a hard-hat badge holder, or other type of badge-holder. The card will allow quick and simple visual verification that the worker is authorized to be on-site. The flexible software obtained with an ID-card printer can be used to design ID-cards that display the assignment area to be worked. If needed, the ID cards can be passed through an appropriate card reader to provide time and attendance and other reporting that may be necessary for the specific job. Some job sites will integrate their ID-cards with an access-control system, limiting or allowing access to some or all of the physical location.

Some construction software programs can track and identify equipment and supplies. Items can be logged in and out as policies would permit to track the location of needed items.

Construction IDs are often required for both large and small projects where the management deems that security and safety issues are a concern.

For specific information and recommendations for the best construction ID-card printer system project for your job-site, contact our ID experts toll-free at +1 888.485.4696 for a free analysis.

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